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It's all about the Birds.......

Get Inspired
I love reading other bloggers blog.......Not only do I feel connected to other artist by viewing their weekly thoughts, projects and ideas, but I get inspired myself. Inspiration is what fuels us artist. If you've read my blog long, you'd know I'm really into recycle, reuse, re-purpose-upscale creations. I've found some clever re-purposed projects I want to pass along to my friends~ enjoy

Mimi from Blue Roof Cabin made this innovative bird house. I love that it looks complicated to make, but it's NOT. And.. the list of items used can be found around your yard or at your local hardware store.
For the FULL TUTORIAL- please visit: Blue Roof Cabin♥.
Thanks Mimi for sharing~ 
How to Make a Bucket into a Bird House

How cute is this? The Gathering Place Design  has designed this inexpensive & simple wire cloche. Once again friends, most of these items you probably have around your house.
please visit The Garden Place Design

Till next time..........

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