Useful Material

Gods Gift comes with Humor

Boys do the Funniest Things........

The weathers been beautiful lately...I'm a happy soul when the weathers warm and the skies clear,  You won't hear me complain. A couple Sundays ago my family and I hiked about 5 miles into the gorge. Believe me when I say I need the exercise. I wish everyone could live in a place where it's as beautiful as where I am from. " Nature's one of many gifts from God.

A bit of humor I'll share with you. My oldest son walked ahead of us a bit, when we reached the rocky gorge section,  I looked down the large bank and there he stood with only his boxers on...I chucked, as he shouted out " Come on, the waters awesome"  These are the moments I LOVE being the mother to the two most amazing boys. I thank God for them everyday.  They know how to live , make me smile,  get me laughing, lift me up when I'm down, inspire me spiritually on a million levels and keep me young.
I love you Jeremy & Hunter.

Typical teenager: I turned around to find he's eating?... Funny cause I didn't pack a lunch, but he did! LOL

Tough guys care their dogs in backpacks....."While in Boxers on Railroad Tracks"????  LOL

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